A virtual tour is a series of photos covering the entire space around a single point. By turning the image to one side or the other, you can survey the entire space around – you get the impression of being present at the shooting location. The scope of the panoramas is very wide: from attractions, apartments to Yandex or Google maps. In architecture, panorama is used quite often: in the creation of residential complexes, you can virtually walk through an object that has not yet been built, walk along roads, playgrounds, shops, and finally, you can install a camera over the object itself and observe it from above. We are always ready to make a panorama for you – our panoramas are distinguished by the professionalism of photos and high-quality assembly!
You can look at the panoramas we have already made and make sure that this is a really powerful tool for perceiving space.
Panoramas are made on a ready-made object and are paid separately.
The cost of a panorama can be calculated fairly quickly – 1 view point is $200.
If there are a lot of such viewpoints, then we give a significant discount.
Why such a price? I'll try to explain. Let's say we are making an interior or exterior. To create one virtual tour, we need to put the camera in the right place, usually it is the center of the room or object. Next, we make preliminary renderings of the virtual tour. Almost always, the scene of the interior or exterior has to be adjusted a little, eliminate flaws and refine so that the virtual tour would turn out without flaws. Further, after approval by the customer, images of virtual dots are rendered in huge resolution. At least 6000 x 3000 pixels. It takes from 2 to 10 hours per 1 view on the fastest computers. When all the viewpoints are ready, they are glued together in a special editor, and graphics are added, arrows transition from one point to another. The whole process takes 2-3 days.