Unlike conventional drawings, layouts and other traditional methods of graphic presentation of information, architectural 3D animation makes it possible to accurately display all design ideas, engineering solutions and design developments. In addition, a significant advantage of such technology is the extreme visibility, so that even a person who is very far from the construction industry can get an idea of the future interior or exterior. The development of three-dimensional animation requires sufficient experience and the availability of modern technical resources, so it is recommended to entrust tasks of this kind exclusively to professionals.
High–quality and detailed architectural 3D animation is one of the main activities of our studio. Keeping up with the latest achievements in the fields of design and computer technology, actively using the methods of virtual and augmented reality, we provide our clients with the opportunity to implement ideas of any level of complexity. Turning to Proxima studio, you can count on a professional approach to solving the tasks, a high level of qualification of specialists and the most expeditious execution of even the most ambitious projects.
How is the cost of 3D animation calculated:
Based on an idea and a script. The price depends heavily on the music superimposed on the animation. Music can be authored / paid or free. We can also take music from our stocks already purchased by our studio, we will offer you several options. The cost of animation includes the services of an announcer. We are also ready to offer you several options. We will select an announcer with a pleasant voice who speaks Russian or English. It also affects the price.
The price is also affected by traffic: moving cars, trains, flying planes, people walking.
The timing, video size and frame rate per second affect the price the most.
From all of the above, we can conclude that 3D animation is not a cheap product.
When 3d animation is created in a 3d editor, the rendering process begins, which takes about 25% of the entire 3d animation budget, because this process is long and energy–consuming, then the animation is calculated on render farms, immediately on 20 or 50 computers at the same time. After that, the animation frames are processed in a special editor, music, voice acting and special effects are applied, and the rendering process is also done, but faster.
An example of 3d architectural animation can be viewed here